UCalgary Alumni Magazine - Feature http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/taxonomy/term/10/0 en In 50 Years, Where Will We Be? http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2017/article/50-years-where-will-we-be <!--paging_filter--><style> /*hide cover image*/ .primary .content .section-holder .cover{ display:none; } </style> <style type="text/css"> div.boxxy { width: 209px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 25px; } div.thumb { width: 201px; height: 137px; border: 4px solid #C4C4C4; } div.thumb img { width: 201px; height: 137px; display: block; } div.deets h3, div.deets h3 a { color: #EC3224; text-decoration: none; } </style> <!--<hr style="height:10px;border:<p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2017/article/50-years-where-will-we-be">read more</a></p> Spring Summer 2017 Feature Fri, 14 Apr 2017 01:54:53 +0000 alumni 603 at http://www.ucalgarymag.ca Drivers of Disruption http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2017/article/drivers-disruption <!--paging_filter--><style> /*hide cover image*/ .primary .content .section-holder .cover{ display:none; } </style> <div style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><span class="inline inline-left" style="margin-top:5px;padding-right:10px;"><span class="inline inline-"><img src="/files/ucalgarymag/imagecache/article_inline_wide_tall/Drivers-intro-650x3604.jpg" /></span> </span></div> <hr style="height:10px;border:none;color:#333;background-color:#333;" /> <p>The future of Canada lies in entrepreneurship and technology.<p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2017/article/drivers-disruption">read more</a></p> Spring Summer 2017 Feature Thu, 13 Apr 2017 02:35:14 +0000 alumni 576 at http://www.ucalgarymag.ca Unlocking Skills: The Power of Brain Games http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2017/article/unlocking-skills-power-brain-games <!--paging_filter--><hr /> <p>When her teenaged son, Noah, was just a little tyke, Lisa Garcia, BEd/BA’95, was ashamed to tell her friends how much time he spent playing video games — a few hours after school and up to eight hours a day over the weekends. “I lay awake at night and I hid it from my friends,” she says. “It was not acceptable to them and I know their attitude reflected society as a whole and they reflected what I believed in as well, yet . . . ”</p><p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2017/article/unlocking-skills-power-brain-games">read more</a></p> Spring Summer 2017 Feature Tue, 01 Nov 2016 03:26:23 +0000 alumni 506 at http://www.ucalgarymag.ca Risky Business http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/fall-winter-2016-17/article/risky-business <!--paging_filter--><style type="text/css"> div.boxxy { width: 209px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 25px; } div.thumb { width: 201px; height: 137px; border: 4px solid #C4C4C4; } div.thumb img { width: 201px; height: 137px; display: block; } div.deets h3, div.deets h3 a { color: #EC3224; text-decoration: none; } </style> <hr style="height:10px;border:none;color:#333;background-color:#333;" /> <p style="font-size: larger; margin: 10 0 10px;">If life is a moun<p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/fall-winter-2016-17/article/risky-business">read more</a></p> Fall Winter 2016-17 Feature Sun, 30 Oct 2016 22:54:20 +0000 alumni 497 at http://www.ucalgarymag.ca Transformations http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2016/article/transformations <!--paging_filter--><style type="text/css"> div.boxxy { width: 209px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 25px; } div.thumb { width: 201px; height: 137px; border: 4px solid #C4C4C4; } div.thumb img { width: 201px; height: 137px; display: block; } div.deets h3, div.deets h3 a { color: #EC3224; text-decoration: none; } </style> <p style="font-size: larger; margin: 0 0 50px;">On the eve of celebrating its 50th anniversary, the University of Calgary is taking stock of<p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2016/article/transformations">read more</a></p> Spring Summer 2016 Feature Mon, 04 Apr 2016 05:13:59 +0000 alumni 483 at http://www.ucalgarymag.ca Agents of Transformation http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2016/article/agents-transformation <!--paging_filter--><hr style="height:10px;border:none;color:#333;background-color:#333;" /> <p>Think of this issue as a voyage. In some articles, you witnessed the sea change that’s rippling across the University of Calgary’s 50-year-old campus, while other stories bumped you up against current issues and debates, all of which are changing the way the world learns. Creating possibilities for self-discovery and academic excellence, while building an entrepreneurial culture, has always been at the heart of our mission here at UCalgary where we see ourselves as catalysts that trigger big reactions.<p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2016/article/agents-transformation">read more</a></p> Spring Summer 2016 Feature Sun, 03 Apr 2016 03:01:21 +0000 alumni 471 at http://www.ucalgarymag.ca A Campus Transformation http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2016/article/campus-transformation <!--paging_filter--><p><span style="font-size: 18px; color: #000000;">Wouldn’t it be fun to take a student from 1966 and flash-forward them to the UCalgary campus in 2016? Hold tight, daddy-o, as we do that very thing.</span></p> <hr style="height:10px;border:none;color:#333;background-color:#333;" /> <p>A freshman hops off a green-and-white electric trolley bus at the University of Calgary stop. It’s a windy 1966 day and dust blows in from a nearby building site.</p><p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/spring-summer-2016/article/campus-transformation">read more</a></p> Spring Summer 2016 Feature Thu, 31 Mar 2016 03:02:45 +0000 alumni 462 at http://www.ucalgarymag.ca Shaping our world http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/fall-winter-2015-16/article/shaping-our-world <!--paging_filter--><style type="text/css"> div.boxxy { width: 209px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom: 25px; } div.thumb { width: 201px; height: 137px; border: 4px solid #C4C4C4; } div.thumb img { width: 201px; height: 137px; display: block; } div.deets h3, div.deets h3 a { color: #EC3224; text-decoration: none; } </style> <p style="font-size: larger; margin: 0 0 50px;">The world of design is not what it used to be.<p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/fall-winter-2015-16/article/shaping-our-world">read more</a></p> Fall Winter 2015-16 Feature Mon, 09 Nov 2015 19:01:33 +0000 tdroden 447 at http://www.ucalgarymag.ca Eyes on Design http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/fall-winter-2015-16/article/eyes-design <!--paging_filter--><p><span style="font-size: 18px; color: #000000; line-height: 1.75em;">The future success of most urban centres is largely reliant on those who plan, design and manage the shared spaces and functions of their city. Design has, therefore, become an increasingly fundamental tool in all levels of public and private development. For cities, design is at their very core and is utilized in business, with citizens, as well as in government, to make cities more attractive, more liveable and more efficient.</p><p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/fall-winter-2015-16/article/eyes-design">read more</a></p> Fall Winter 2015-16 Feature Tue, 03 Nov 2015 03:48:51 +0000 alumni 432 at http://www.ucalgarymag.ca The Power of Great Mistakes http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/fall-winter-2015-16/article/power-great-mistakes <!--paging_filter--><p><span style="font-size: 18px; color: #000000;">Can failure open the doors to discovery? Why being wrong might be likely to unleashing creativity</span></p> <hr style="height:10px;border:none;color:#333;background-color:#333;" /> <p>Standing at the podium in his brown leather jacket and multihued shirt, W. Brett Wilson, MBA’85 — maverick entrepreneur and author of Redefining Success: Still Making Mistakes — interrupts his speech on leadership to more than 230 students on campus at the University of Calgary. He’s taking a phone call.</p> <p>Emergency? Prank? Epic fail?</p><p><a href="http://www.ucalgarymag.ca/issue/fall-winter-2015-16/article/power-great-mistakes">read more</a></p> Fall Winter 2015-16 Feature Tue, 03 Nov 2015 02:18:39 +0000 alumni 433 at http://www.ucalgarymag.ca